கருணையின் நகரம் பெண்மை,மிகபொறுமையின் சிகரம் பெண்மை!!
நன்மை பயக்கும் பெண்மை,கருகண் மை வியக்கும் பெண்மை!!
உயர்வு தருதலும் பெண்மை,ஆண்நிறைவு பெறுதலும் பெண்மை!!வர்ணிக்க முடிந்தது பெண்மை,எனைமன்னிக்க தெரிந்ததும் பெண்மை!!கருப்பினும் அழுத்தம் பெண்மை,காதல்நெருப்பினில் வருத்தும் பெண்மை!!உயிரினும் மகத்தான பெண்மை,உயிர்பிரியினும் எனக்கான பெண்மை!!
God, oh God !!
If you are listening amidst your other important chores,
God, oh God!
Let me show you what you have done unto me!
Though the chances are slim I have your ears and eyes,
You should know how I have been mistreated with your lies.Do you see the red flowing over my face,
God, oh God?
Spurted viscous straight from heart,
These eyes that followed you since they opened,
They blow blood now, you are guilty,
Are you going to cleanse or do them apart?
Let me tell you this is not fair,
Let me tell you I do dare,
Let me tell you I need a hand,
Let me tell you i cant even stand,
But do you listen,
God, oh God?
Or are you just the silent judge,
That hunts me down with a severe grudge?
And torment my soul craving for a hold,
For all I can see is distance and cold.
Thy light is supposed to guide me in the path,
But when it is all shadow, how do I know?
I am human,
A lesser soul compared to angels,
How long can I hold, how more need I suffer?
God, Oh God?
How more do I cry, How long before it is over?
Take me all at once, even without a nod,
But fill me with peace once, oh my lord!
If you exist, if you care,
If you live in water and air,
Listen to this child for it cries to you,
For love, for mercy and for solace,
God, oh God!
Tonight if I die in you, it is the end,
But tonight,
If you die in me, I am afraid it is a begining ..