I have learned ...
I have learned that
Friends are the treasure,that I can ever wish for;
For they are the milestones in my life.
I have learned that
If I understand friends change,I do not get hurt at all;
For only change is permanent.
I have learned that
However true a friend is,Sometimes, they do hurt me;
For only a true friend can hurt.
I have learned that
Absence is to love what wind is to fire,It extinguishes the small;
And enkindles the great.
I have learned that
My actions pay me back;Something I do for an instant,
Can haunt me for life.
I have learned that
Often people whom I expect, to kick me when I am down;
Are the ones who will get me up.
I have learned that
Even after hours of long walk,I walk faster;
Only after I think I can't go any further.
I have learned that
There are only three Words,That summarize our lives;
It goes on.
This is Excellent...
u dint write this one .. did u?
The idea alone was borrowed, contents are mine. I was googling in a solemn mood, read tiz n liked. 2 days later, i wanted 2 write somethn and coz d idea of d phrases were gud, i borowed it. d lessons i learnt, r mine tho.
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